Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Baby Boy's 1st Birthday!

My newborn is now 1!
It was such a beautiful day when Christian came to us and EVERY day since has been just as bright. Christian is one of lots of  laughs, energy, and spunk. He has hit his milestones early and I can tell he will bring us much more surprises in the years to come. I love this little man with everything I have, we are blessed to be his family. Happy birthday baby boy!

Christian's birthday was a lot of fun, he LOVES monkeys so that was obviously the theme. The Curious George pinata was a hit and it was really cute watching the kids beat the candy right out of it.

I spent a lot of time on the cakes and goodies. The monkey cookie cake was especially fun to make, the monkey bites (brownie bites) were a bit of a pain but yummy, and the green velvet cupcake cakes  turned out really good even though it felt like nothing was going right with them.

I had a lot of fun decorating and as I put everything up Christian ran around with eyes wide very excited.

I had Dippidee do his personal cake.......

and as you can tell, he loved it! He swiped at it as soon as he wasn't being watched lol

Singing him happy birthday was soo cute, I wish the video would upload.

Say CHEESE everyone!

Present opening was great and he was so sweet to watch, once again I wish the video would upload :-(

It was a great party, thank you to everyone who came! You made it a memorable birthday and we very much appreciated it!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Summer Up Date

Dylan had is scout camp and oh goodness had a blast!

They had a parents night where we all got to join them their last night for dinner, entertainment and a ceremony. It was worth the mile walk up hill, it was a very fun night!

We were all so excited to see Dylan and what he had been up to for that week.

The girls ran to him as soon as they saw him, all hugs ;-)

Their Flag Retiring  ceremony was so great and it honestly got me a little teary eyed watching Dylan with such commitment and honor.

  We were so proud of him, he will make a great leader. He LOVES his scouts and the leaders could not tell us enough of how much they love and appreciate him for all that he does and who he is.

Christian waiting for Dylan to come sit by him ;-)

 Kendall's sister Jaclyn and her family came and visited us all from Ohio and we all did lots of stuff together and had a blast! We visited the Dinosaur museum and saw tons of really cool things. 

I think D felt a little too old for this kind of pic, especially since he got to carry the diaper bag lol

I believe this was in the Inertia part of the museum, there were a lot of way cool  stations to test out in there.

At the end of the tour there was a water sand place for the kids to play in. There were little dinosaurs to play with and make them little caves and homes, it was cute :-)

Jaclyn and her kids got right in and played hard, it's never too late to be a kid!

D and Spencer peddling together to get the inertia thing working, only problem was D's legs were WAY shorter than Spencer's hahahaha

Then we were off to the splash pad and gardens at Thanksgiving Point, these two had a lot of fun together. I'm glad they are so close especially with so many years between them.

I had to put this in here, sorry to all of those who don't like spiders. I was sitting out side at my patio table and I looked over and saw this in one of my shrubs. I called for Dylan and he caught it up in a hurry. We tried to identify it but nothing or no one could tell us what kind it was. Still gives me chills looking at it.

and then of course my birthday. Yeah if you ask me, I almost look sad to be holding that big number LOL
Great summer!!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Emergency Preparedness, a crucial knowledge


This site is an amazing site that is full of valuable information. They are giving away an even more amazing bunch of food supply right now. Go check them out and sign up, you don't want to miss this chance!