Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Weekend of Do's, Don'ts, and NO Kids or Husbands!

Park City is so beautiful this time of year.

After we shopped for hours we grabbed a bite to eat at a delicious sandwich shop and headed on over to get our much anticipated pedicures. Can I just say RELAXING! Our feet and legs were massaged and pampered for an hour, the gal doing mine kept looking at me smiling and asking me "Is it good?" Heck yes it was!

Our beautiful toe shot with much beautiful art, especially Tiffany's toes!

We finished off this day with more shopping, dinner at a Sushi house, hot tubing, talking, and a cute girly movie.

The next morning mom and little sister Aimee joined us for breakfast and the days activities. We started out shopping (big surprise there ;-) then jumped on the trolley and headed back to the hotel. We piled in our cars and headed to lunch, and I must say I was SOOOO jealous of all the yummy Mexican food that surrounded me!

Most of all the pictures were taken by the ever so talented Brittany, the babe above eating the most cheesiest thing I have ever seen. She put some of the picts in these cute collages and I made them extra large so everyone can see the great picts in all their glory ;-) 

A red head, blond, and brunette....come on, does it get ANY better than this?! lol

After the delish Mexican we headed for the COASTER. It was a blast! Tiffany had been on it before and informed me to NOT pull on the break, ride it all the way down at full speed.....and I did! So fun, so fast, and SOOO doing it again.

See? See the adrenaline rush and pure joy on mom's face? This pretty much explains it ;-)
"Sisters Grove"
I think this has got to be my favorite picture of all. We were walking back to our cars when one of the sisters saw this cute little patch of scenery and suggested we take a few photos here. I'm so glad we did. This is just beautiful to me, look at MY family, yes they are mine! I never had a sister only brothers and these ladies filled every void with fun, laughter, joy, and pure love. To answer my question above. No, it doesn't get any better than this.

Look how talented Brittany is, she took 99% of these pictures (we obviously had to take the ones of her ;-) put them into this beautiful collage and gave us great keepsakes. I can't wait to get them all on cd. Thanks again Britt!

We shopped a bit more after the coaster then headed back to get ready for our big dinner at the J&G Grill.

Here is a shot from the funicular we had to ride to get up to the restaurant. 

It was a fabulous view, especially coming back down at the end of the night with all the stars.

Thanks to the great waitress we got this great pic. Dinner was divine and dessert was even better. We started off with a truffle pizza and ended with a salted caramel ice cream with nuts and popcorn. Jealous? You should be! lol

Britt on the left and Tiffany on the right with their ever so new HOT heels. I still need to get the black version of the leopards, so hot right now, so hot ;-) I'm wondering now if other people in the restaurant were confused why the gorgeous tall red head kept ducking under the table....of course WE know why. heehee

posing with a cool hand painted dog out side the restaurant.

Waiting for the valet and got some super cute pictures in. I am a shrimp to say the least next to these ladies!

And the night ended with me hearing a roar of laughter while I was in the other room. I came out to hear something about strawberries and flatulence and all my sisters in tears!

The last morning there we decided to go for a walk. Right out side our hotel room window is tress full of shoes. People throw their old, and some times pretty new, shoes in these trees and the Marriott people get them down after a while and donate them. Down and around the way was a little bridge that we took our very last sister's pic of the vacation, I can't wait to get that one and add it.
This weekend was full of  Do's and Don'ts. DO laugh more, love more, cry more, talk more, and experience more together. DON'T hesitate to bond, don't pass up on opportunities to let loose, don't take each other for granted, and DON'T forget your sisters and the blessings they bring into your life! Thank you for making this happen, for giving me these memories, and for giving me sisters I have never had! I love you all to pieces.


Katie said...

Oh my goodness! This looks like so much fun!!!! I wanna go now!!!

Anna said...

So much fun, Brandee. I love all the pictures and so jealous of all the shopping.

Shilo said...

That looks like an AWESOME weekend!!!
Glad you were able to do it!

Kendall B said...

I am so glad you got to go! To see the bonds of sisterhood strengthened has been great! Now its my turn for a vacation!

Britt said...

It's fun to see all my photos on everyone's blogs! I just wish I was up there again this weekend. I think I saw more of you than anyone else last weekend! ;) So much fun, can't wait to do it again! And you are seriously SO photogenic. I love the photos of you.

Cristy said...

What a great idea! Of course everyone talks of doing these things, but it's so hard to do! Great motivation ladies! You are all adorable.