Friday, June 17, 2011

Carnies With The Family

Last weekend was Orem Days, which we look forward to every year, so we headed over for some fun rides and entertainment. We all wanted to ride the Ferris Wheel, there was a huge line and we had a good time to wait. Aimee took the girls over to the Strawberry ride wile we were all waiting. They had a fun little time together, they love aunt Aimee!

I was sitting in the middle seat with the girls compared to the others so I was able to get  picts of everyone.

Kendall was glad to have a little time with his brothers and dad, everything was chill and everyone was laid back :)

Not very centered but still a good looking couple heehee

Christian with daddy, my cuties. SURE missed Dylan tho!
Such a pretty view from up there.

Sadee all happy sitting to my left.....but Noelle was frozen the entire time lol

After the rides we went and sat down and watched a cute Hawaiian show with fun stories, good music, and great dancing. At one point they invited all the little kids on stage to teach them some traditional  Hawaiian dancing. The girls loved it and felt like Lilo ;-) Good job girls! We had a fun time (even though I was very sick and sun burnt from our yard sale) and glad to share it with family. Afterwards we all came back to our house, had pizza, pop, and cheese cake then watched a great display of fireworks when it got dark. Love Orem Days :):)

Friday Share Time

Hey all! I just wanted to share with you all that I have lost 15 pounds! In three weeks no less ;-) I just feel so good, so I wanted to share it! On top of that, today is my 8 year anniversary ;-) A blessed day indeed!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Fun Little Get Together

 Wednesday night mom and dad called us and asked if we wanted to join them for a bit out at the "Bowl" and have a little water fun. Since all the water run off from the mountains places are being filled with tons of water and you can see that in the pictures. There was enough of a current that some people were able to sit in an inner tube and take a little trip around the park. The water was freezing of course but we all had a lot of fun.

I think I need to start letting myself be photographed a
little more, I'm going to regret not being in many
pictures when my kids are older. Too many good
memories :)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Bound To Happen

Now I am one of those people who always wondered how kids get a hold of scissors and cut the furniture up or cut their hair off. We have child proof locks on everything that we don't want our kids to get into, don't all parents do that too?? Now I know who, what, where, when , why and how!
The girls were running all around the house last night playing tag, I really didn't want them to and had a feeling to have them stop but I ignored that feeling....dumb me. A few minutes later the girls were quiet, Kendall came up stairs to see what they were up to and this is what he walked into.....

The girls made a big red barn out of shoe boxes the other day for preschool, the next lesson was to have them make farm animals to go into the barn. So I put all their construction tools including their child safety scissors in their boxes and set them on the counter.....dumb me.
They both grabbed their own scissors and went to town! Kendall asked them what the heck they were doing and told them that mommy is the only one who cuts their hair because mommy is the only one who knows how! Sadee said all sad, "We were learning."
My girls have seen me cut, color, and bleach a lot of hair and every time I finish with a client they are playing Hair Designer too. I did highlights and a root touch up the other day, that mixed with the obtainable  scissors and there you have it......I should have known.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Serene Sunday

 A delicious dinner at mom and dad's, a beautiful walk down by Provo river where my husband got called an A-Hole and back to mom and dad's for some delicious dessert. I would say it was a beautiful evening with a little flava!

Christian got his very first sliver and his first taste of dirt! He was just sitting there munching on a clump happy has a plum and grandpa came and spoiled the fun hahahah! 

We had the rest of Dylan's birthday cake and mom's delicious home made chocolate ice cream for dessert.
We sure are going to miss being able to be a hop, skip, and a jump away from mom and dad's and enjoy evenings like this when ever we want. BUT we will for sure do it when ever we can. Thanks guys for such a wonderful time, we love you!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Dylan's Birthday Fun

 Dylan had a cake and some gifts on his actual birthday May 9 but we didn't really go out and have birthday fun. We wanted to wait till the weather was much better so we planned something for the day before he left to go to Montana for a month. It was perfect, the weather was beautiful and we got to spend an entire evening just having fun.

We headed out to play mini golf, one of Dylan's favorite things to do, and we all stunk it up. I think Sadee actually beat us all with Noelle in a close second. I kind of felt bad for all the people behind us because we had 5 of us golfing and each person took a long time, I think we had 3 parties waiting for us. Oh well :) I made Dyaln's favorite cake, Red Velvet, and it was amazing!

After mini golf I took him to see a movie. We saw Kung Fu Panda 2. It was soo good! We loved the first but the second was just as good if not better than the first. 

After the movie we came home and gave him his gift. He had said that there were 3 things that he wanted for his birthday. Money and a new hat. What an easy kid huh?! Well see he got his hat and was totally stoked about it, and was ecstatic to have some mula to buy all the little things that he wanted and the watch he wanted at  Big 5.

Dylan was pleasantly surprised to see a knife at the bottom of his bag. Kendall picked out this really cool knife by Bear Grills from Man vs Wild. Dylan loved it and will be able to use it at all his scout events and both his scout camps this summer. 

It was a great birthday for Dylan and we are so glad we waited to have it before the day he left  so we could  party it up and spend all night with him.

Happy 12th birthday Dylan!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Mommy Daughter Date

 Every other week we do a Mommy Daughter date and a Fathers and Sons night out and switch on the other weeks. This week the girls and I went to a park, had a picnic, and fed some ducks. The girls were ecstatic!
First  we set up our picnic on our comfy BYU blanket and had some yummy healthy meals. Of course Noelle got hers all over herself and and Sadee squeezed her juice too hard and it got every where. Oh and my pop spilled all over the inside of my purse BUT we just kept on having fun. 
  As soon as the girls finished they bolted to the playground. Sliding, swinging, scaling the rock climbing walls, chasing someones dog around, and playing with the other kids...they were having a lot of fun :-) Noelle had to show me that she learned how to swing herself and didn't need to be pushed anymore. Both the girls got to the middle of the rock climbing walls and didn't want to go up any further but I helped them finish. I chased them down a slide and they thought I was, but crazy. 
 Then our little waddling friends came to visit us. They wandered on over and were checking us out, the girls thought they were awesome. So we headed on over to the pond with our bread to feed the ducks. This group of big ducks were playing mad with each other, we got a kick out of them.

 The girls fell in love with the momma duck and her oh so CUTE babies. We spent a long time feeding these guys, the girls followed them all around the pond sighing and saying "Oh mommy look how cute they are!" We almost got to hold one but momma duck started to freak out.

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 Sadee used up all our bread on this duck I swear :-) She kept running up on them and scaring them away and couldn't understand why they would do that when she was being so generous giving them food haha! 

Noelle has a dang good aim and a good arm, the ducks were loving her, especially the duck in the pic looking at her. He followed her every where and came right up to her.

Cute little girls     
Cute little duckies
Cute little memories
A tiny hidden nest we managed to stumbled across, the girls were in awe! lol They couldn't believe they got to see duck eggs and thought they were precious stones or something, too cute.
 Well we certainly had a fun night, can't wait till we do it again.