Saturday, December 1, 2012

Baby, Baby, OH Baby She's Here!

Juliette Raylene Burt Arrived November 3, 2012 at 12:33am. 9lbs. 1oz. 21 in.
It was a crazy experience. Labor started 24 hours before and my contractions were 5 minutes apart. I decided to wait to call my midwife because I had a feeling I wasn't going to progress any further than that, like I did with Christian. And I was right. The Friday before, I was continuing to have contractions and they got pretty intense but as soon as I'd change positions or get up and walk they would really calm down. Every time I would sit down though, they would explode.
That night at about 6 I decided to meet a friend and get some last minute things for baby and then go out to dinner with her. I called my midwife and told her how I was feeling and all about the contractions and asked if I could come in and be checked, just in case. So I had my friend meet me at the birthing center before we went out. Yeah, we never got the chance to go out. As soon as I got in the car to drive to the center my contractions went full blast. They checked me when I got there and I was dilated to 3 centimeters but baby was "a bug on a rug", face up. So, they sent me home to do an exercise to get baby rolled around. My friend Katie had to drive me home, my contractions were way to strong for me to concentrate in the road.
I got home and got into position and as soon as I started the exercise my contractions picked up and were a minute apart! I called my midwife and told her I was coming back, it was time! Kendall and I rushed there and oh my fart, the ride was so painful. Contractions and a bumpy road do not compliment each other.
They checked my cervix as soon as I walked in and I was already another centimeter dilated. I got on my laboring clothes and got in there and labored. We were in a beautiful suite and it was a beautiful experience. A very painful but yet beautiful experience. I labored on the ball for the first half listening to music and having Kendall sitting behind me rubbing my back (when he wasn't on his phone). Once labor was at a certain peak the midwives let me get in the tub. Laboring in the tub was nice but didn't help the pain that much.
My midwives listened to my laboring and when I was about to start crying form the intense pain they asked me if I wanted to checked. Yes please! I was dilated to a 7 but the water was  like a bubble sitting on top of baby's head which was making it harder for baby to descend. They offered to break my water. Yes please! They broke my water and baby descended immediately and it was wow intense!!! I moved around the tub trying to get away from my pain and cried. I needed to push but pushing was so painful all I could do was cry. So I got on my knees, grabbed the bar and pushed. I felt her head come out. I thought it was going to hit the bottom of the tub and stood up in the tub! Oops. My midwife told me to get into lunge position and there was her head sticking out. They checked for the umbilical cord but it wasn't wrapped around her neck, thank goodness. Now was the time to push out the shoulders. I grabbed on to my midwife's shoulder, screamed and pushed! The pain was honestly blinding but in all that I could see my baby girl perfectly. She was here. I sat back in the tub with her laying on my chest. I got to stay there just like that with her for as long as I wanted. She was beautiful. She gave me the sweetest cry and nestled down on my chest and fell asleep. I caressed her face and kissed her head over and over and talked to her like we were old friends meeting up again.
I will never forget this experience, for many reasons, but absolutely because of my new angel. I love you Juliette, as high as the sky and as deep as the ocean.

My 5 precious children. Our family is complete, God has blessed us infinitely. I thank my Father for my posterity. I know He loves me, just look at what He has given me.

1 comment:

Julie B. said...

I am so late looking at blogs. hanks for writing your experience down. Happy to see the pictures. I can't believe she is a month old already. Love you.