Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Ride In The Park

These two little girls have been so excited to take their new bikes out since we had to exchange their other ones we got them for Christmas. Every time we'd pull up in the garage they'd oooo and awe at the pretty tassels on the handle bars and comment on how pretty they are. So I thought it was time, even if I did freeze. 
SO ready to cruze!
Their rides, all set up pretty so they could watch them as they played. They sure make me laugh.
A little play time and they sure kept their eyes on those bike so NO one would take them.
I thought this was cute, they wanted to hold hands going down the slide so if one or the other went faster than the other they could pull on their arm to slow them down. ;--)
My baby girl.
The one that's growing up way too fast.
All done now and taking extra care of their bikes and settling their babies in just like Dad does with his bike.

I love taking time with my girls daily and doing something, even if for a short little bit, and just be.


Kendall B said...

Wish I could have been there

JaredandJaclyn said...

I love when it is warm enough to play in the park in the winter. Hooray for no snow!