Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Temple Square and Christmas catch up.

I just took this pic with the new camera phone and wanted to add it ;-)
All bundled up to see the lights at Temple Square! We love going as a family, walking around Temple Square seeing the lights and sights, and having some hot chocolate when the night is done.
These two always have such a fun time even though it's freezing, always in good spirits.
Christmas morning! The kids were wide eyed and it was fun having our first Christmas in our new home :-) Dylan went straight over to his Santa gifts, sat down, and was ready to open!
Dylan's Santa gifts. May be small but there's a lot of goodness in that box!
It was nice to hear Dylan tell his grandpa over the phone that he had a great Christmas and that he got everything he wanted and more. I was nervous he wouldn't be into some of the things we got him, they are much harder to shop for the older they get ;-)
This is really the only good shot of the tree and gifts that I got. It was a good Christmas indeed.

The girls Santa gifts, they were so excited for their new bikes and pillow pets! We had to actually take those bikes back and get bigger ones. Kinda stunk too because Santa got these bikes for next to nothing but the new bigger ones he wasn't so lucky on. Oh well.
Sadee could have stayed there all day and just stared at it all if we would have let her ;-)
She loves that dragon, seriously taking it EVERYWHERE she goes.
Thanks babe for the much unwanted early morning picture ;-) I had a lot of fun watching the expressions on the girls faces when unveiling their bikes.
Mine, Christian, and Kendall's Santa gifts. Christian darted to his V-Tech train the instant he saw it and literally walked over everyone to get to it. He knew it was his instantly!
He really does worship those Cheetos like that, loves them!
Okay okay, so I happen to feel the same about my Dove Dark chocolates.
During our break from opening presents and getting some delicious cinnamon rolls and eggnog, the girls noticed Santa tried their cookies they made and left our for him.
This is such a great learning toy and it occupies him for hours. Worth it's weight in gold if you ask me ;-)

And this was Christian's big gift from mom and dad and it was so worth it! I got it at 1/4 the normal cost and he loves it. At first he was a bit scared seeing how it moves and is bigger than him but now I think we have a natural little cowboy.
After gift opening relaxation, I have no idea why they thought it would be better in a box but they sure were cute.

We had a wonderful Christmas and not because of the store bought presents, the lights, or Christmas trees. It is a wonderful thing to have a big family that loves one another dearly, traditions that warm us from inside out. children to share the holiday with and watch to the hope and excitement in their eyes, and for the most humble birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. He is the gift of all gifts there ever has been and ever will be. His birth to His resurrection, He is what the holidays are all about and He is the spirit, joy, and much happiness we feel. Until next year everyone, Merry Christmas and a healthy happy New Year!


Britt said...

So much fun! I hear ya on the bigger bikes. Lu's been riding the 16" since the beginning of summer. (it's her brother's old bike, she didn't have a choice) Love the tree and so happy you had a great Christmas!

Kendall B said...

It was a GREAT Christmas this year! We so much fun with everyone and the much needed break from the norm.